Ball Park Franks
This selections of illustrations were created for Ball Park’s #100DaysofAngus Campaign. Myself with several other illustrators ceated 100 illustrations in total.
A Darryl said so eloquently, we explored a range Of illustrative styles and aesthetics to diversify content while finding adelicate balance of preserving a certain level of brand consistency.
Each illustration was then animated to be used by Ball Park to post onto their Instagram and social media accounts. Summer fun! Check out the case study here.
A Darryl said so eloquently, we explored a range Of illustrative styles and aesthetics to diversify content while finding adelicate balance of preserving a certain level of brand consistency.
Each illustration was then animated to be used by Ball Park to post onto their Instagram and social media accounts. Summer fun! Check out the case study here.
Creative Director / Daryl Mascarehas
Created for Spontaneous

©16th Street Pictures, Inc. All Rights Reserved.